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Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a     Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.     Loa Tzu















Our mission with all our client's has always been to give them the knowledge, skills & inspiration to help themselves run at 90 plus years of age, to teach them how to swim out of a bad current, to have the skill & discipline to cross a 5 lane free way safely in an emergency & know the basics of a martial art.


Most importantly as all the sport & exercise psychology reccomends we will help you incorporate your favourite sport into your daily life & show you how to use weights with them & pay as you go gyms occasionally or when needed etc. 


Our goal over the next 5 decades ladies & gentlemen is to teach as many people as possible the physical education they need to prolong their quality & quantity of life into their 80's & 90's. As this quantity is not possible in a gym or school we are very honoured to have the second best Physical education domain in the world & almost all of the other Physical education domains to help us leap towards our goal. 

Our first goal is to help 20,000 people short term over a few years & then 100,000 is our Mid term goal with the life time goal of helping up to half a million plus people get the best possibe Physical education they can. 


We will bring in specialists in every sport alongside highly qualified sports scientists, nutritionists, physiologists, sports psychologist & Biomechanics experts with Masters Degrees & Phd's in every area   to do this.


It has never been about short term gain at expense of longevity, safety first & always do exercise you enjoy. Think long term!                         



           STAY TUNED 

ALL Website Proudly created by Declan lynch 

Any content shared on is subject to copyright. The views expressed throughout this website are that of the Company and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of any organisations we work with. Before taking part in any physical activity, please consult a doctor and seek independent medical advice. Bear in mind that any results published on this website are representations of what you may achieve but individual results will vary and can only be achieved through dedication, commitment and hard work.

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