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Physical Education, specifically aerobic exercise increase's one's intelligence & quantity/quality of life, preventing strokes, heart attacks & early onset Dementia from Obesity in one's 5th decade of life (Wang et. al,. 2021). With the World Health Organisation now predicting that 1 billion, yes 1 BILLION, not million people,1/8 of Worlds population will become obese by 2030. 1 in 5 Women & 1 in 7 Men will be living with Obesity shockingly & its a reality we as a society must start taking seriously, facing & planning for while changing our systems for the betterment of all to reverse this bad health stat.

The subject of Physical education started in Germany and the United States of America to create soldiers & could soon become the priority subject in all Schools for completely different reasons as it is the foundation to everything else. As elaborated on in previous blogs ( link: AEROBIC EXERCISE INCREASES YOUR INTELLIGENCE, MY RESEARCH ( ) 25 minutes of aerobic exercise with heart rate between 120-165 beats per minute (light sweat) will put you & your child at their Maximum cognitive performance levels for following 6 hours of school & work therefore meaning the Physical education subject should be done first thing in morning between 9am to 9.30 daily or before with brain gym exercises completed in afternoon by teachers to maximise cognitive performance & learning throughout the day .

We must also bring our school systems into 21st Century along with our health & social care system as in the 20th Century other subjects were rightly more important, however it is a completely different World now. The 20th Century saw every child walking to & from school & our grandparents walking 10 to 15 mile a day with manual housework, labour & gardening completed by humans that are now being replaced by robotic lawnmowers & robotic hoovers, escalators, lifts & scooters reducing our calorie burning by more than half with increased amounts of sugar in every product & far greater portion sizes than we are meant to eat, that we are encouraged to buy with advertising everywhere we look, listen & drive for sales.

There is little point in the next Stephen Hawking becoming a genius mathematically if he or she has a heart attack at 45 years of age before his life's work even takes off or being half way through a presentation to World leaders at 52 only for his presentation skills to be limited by early onset Dementia caused by Obesity, bad nutrition & no Physical Education causing his genius Mathematics on left side of brain to be a mute point if he doesn't have the fitness to cross the road in a hurry due to 3 teenagers on electric scooters breaking the lights after not learning discipline from team sports.

When we look at our Planet & it's nature it strikes me most that everything in nature is about movement & when anything in nature becomes unable to move it signals the end of their life. If one can't walk 3 miles they're more likely to get dementia unfortunately therefore your fitness must be the foundation to your life. Exercise prevents & delays dementia with 55 Million people globally currently diagnosed & that figure only set to increase with 10 million new diagnoses every year we must do something to lower these cases as there is clearly a problem with our lifestyles causing it too early. Wang et. al 2021 suggests even light exercise can lower risk of Dementia & other physical conditions with regular exercise starting with 6 to 8 week programs having a very positive effect.

One of my former lecturers with a Phd predicted this exact future scenario in 2009 stating that all kids will have enough mathematics to get through life but will be economically unproductive due to obesity, working from home & junk food diets leading to an even greater cost to health system as physical education was not made a priority by parents & teachers in last Century. Bad diets will not only affect your waste line but also your optimal cognitive performance & calmness under pressure leading to poor intellectual performance & unfortunately depression plus anxiety so please ensure your child & you eat as much fruit & vegetables as possible as high fat diets contribute to memory deficits. Moreover consumption of certain fruit & vegetables especially berries can prevent & even reverse age related cognitive decline according to Spencer, et. al, 2017.

In fact he said some Parents may outlive their own Sons & Daughters due to our generation being more active than the next causing our fitness generation to increase our own life expectancy up to 88 not 78 years of age. Only to see our children Shockingly passing from heart attacks, strokes, cancer or cognitive decline with early onset Dementia because of bad nutrition (Klimova et. al 2020), Inactive lifestyles, robots & technology doing human work for us leading to Obesity, high blood pressure, stints for clotted arteries, Cancer from too much sugar & alcohol with adverse side effects of diabetes & early onset Dementia, Angina, heart attacks & brain strokes in their 50s.

The best gift you can give your child is an aerobic run, cycle, swim or row routine each morning before School each day, setting their brain up for the day with a healthy packed lunch/snacks for eating after completing a lunchtime activity with a favourite sport to do in evening correlating with home work to do most nights of week saving money on petrol which you can then spend on grinds for their weakest written subject and leading to a healthy productive routine for life. Endorphin release from exercise will help them be in a good mood for the day making your life easier while also activating the neurons in the brain, putting them at their best possible state for learning & academia. This generation Z need a new mindset or they will unfortunately end up becoming obese like some in generations before them.

We may need a whole new School system & environment along with social care system where we all work together as teams to complete our common goals which reduces dependency on our health systems & increases economic productivity by allowing our brains to be at their best for the day through early morning aerobic exercise & Physical education becoming a priority subject in 21st Century. This is the best reason to send your kid walking, cycling or indeed running to school & home as driving them in runs the risk of giving them a bad habit they're unable to change for life. However Physical education & aerobic movement especially will set them up for a longer, more intelligent life preventing early onset Dementia via heart attacks and strokes in late 40s and early fifties correlating with critical analytical thinking skills that will help them make better choices in their diets for life which in turn means a healthier, greener, fairer & happier world to live in for all.

It's very ironic the the subject of Physical Education was invented in Germany in & the USA to create soldiers for War & War's have continued for colonialism & the selling of advanced technology weapons plus bad nutrition for money. Now our technologically advanced societies have developed so much that we no longer have to walk to school & work with our electric scooters, bikes & automobiles. It makes physical education one of the most important subjects in 21st Century School to prevent our unhealthy lifestyles from adversely affecting our work as our engineers & politicians will be so unfit they' re developing early onset Dementia unable to remember the 20th centuries most important subjects to use the brains developed by them so they can give the presentations to World leaders that prevent War. Hopefully making Physical Education a priority subject can help them live lifestyles conducive to what we learned in 20th Century, hopefully helping to form a greener, healthier, fairer & peaceful society for the next generation.

On a personal note my advice would be to find a sport, any sport you enjoy from Salsa dancing to Golf for you & your child & continue it for life & it will help you in every area of your life.

Declan Lynch

BA Honours Physical Education,

Personal Trainer over 10 years,

MA Sport & Exercise Psychology TBC



  2. Wang. S, Liu, H.Y, Cheng, Y.C, Su, C.H,. Exercise dosage in reducing the risk of Dementia development: Mode duration, and intensity- a a narrative review. International Journal of environmental research, Public health. 2021, Dec 17;18(24)

  3. Klimova,B., DZiuba, S., Human, The effect of A Healthy Diet on Cognitive Performance among healthy Seniors- a mini review. Human Neuroscience (2020) Vol 14, p325

  4. Spencer, S.J, korosi, S.L, Laye, A., Food for thought: How Nutrition impacts cognition & emotion NP Journal Science Food 1,7 (2017)


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